Quaternary Research Group
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

The Quaternary Research Group (QRG) studies the past few million years of Earth history. This is a period of profound changes in climate (ice ages!) and therefore of particular relevance to understanding the future of our planet. Our primary focus is the coastal zone, where dramatic changes have already commenced due to accelerated sea-level rise. Our immediate surroundings represent one of the most vulnerable coastal lowlands in the world and coastal Louisiana is therefore our main target, but always with an eye on how this can inform coastal zones elsewhere.

Recent News
November 2024
Torbjorn Tornqvist shares his opinion with The New York Times on the inevitable future in New Orleans facing climate reality.
May 2024
Congratulations to our 2024 graduates: Sophia, Rayna, and Melinda!
February 2024
Guandong’s latest paper is published in Nature Communications and was featured in the Washington Post!